Lucia event, CITO hangout and late night snack...
I joined the swedish trade councils Lucia event today, at the European school in Tianmu, Taipei...

There were many swedes I never seen before...and also some english speaking people...

Nice speeches...

My friends had already arrived when I came...I had problems finding the location...

It felt really like christmas times...even if this was the 9th of december not the 13th, as it use to be...

Many kids and teenagers were there...and 3 chalmers students...

And some young girls talking about candles...

And Louise (the boss), thanking the sponsors...since we got some things from IKEA, Ericsson, Enspyre, Scania etc...companies that have business in Taiwan...

Then it was glögg time, and some ginger bread and lussekatter...

Many people there...I was about to as Henrik the old boss of the trade council about some contacts...

Chrsitmas feelsing (i did not wear shorts to this event (even thoug I changed when I came home)...,

Some V.I.Ps...

We contined to and the chalmers students...I had some german beer...

They had some cheese plate...

It was nice...we talked about many interesting things...

And as usual we got free refil of bread...

I had a german sausage with extre mashed potatoes...

They had Jägermeister at the entrance...nicely sealed to a wooden piece..

I also passed by their store, to check what products they offered...may german things...

And nice christmas decoration at the entrance...Thank you CITO for the company etc!

I later on went to Ximen, to meet up a friend who was in town for a short visit...and saw many strange people on the street...

We went to Dalida for a Pinacolada..and I found that they had my favourite burger there (outsourced)...

It was with a cherry...but maybe to much ice in it...

And the burger...super nice...but today I had a single meat, and we shared it, so it was more like a night snack...

I also returned a screw cork for my friend to deliver...that i borrowed from the DJ club...

And saw this interesting add in the taoilet... "GisneyLand"...