An evening in Tamsui
I paid a visit at my friends company today...

It is a little bit far from the city...

They have vouchers from their job, for free meals...

A big seems to be nice...

We gathered for a meal before exploring tamsui...

Among the options I picked typical taiwanese school food...(a buffet of semi cold food)...

I havnt been in tamsui (hanging out) for a long time...

Kids use to dance at this area last time I was here...

We went to a bar that had super many kinds of beer...

These ones are just for decoration...

And these ones are for sale (most of them I found at Carrefour or RT-mart)...

We sat at the river side...watching the was nice...

I had a weissbeer...its soft and easy to drink...

We went more to Tamsui downtown, where I found there pakistanian kebab place...super cool, I will go back here some time and order things...

We headed to this New Zealand bar...

With great view over the river as well...

We had a bunch of beers...(Belgian)

I also tried their cheese burger etc...

They played music from a live music gave the place a super nice atmosphere...

I remember in the summer on these streets...they use to be crowded...

We had a nice deal of the ever, I think he charged me for more than I ate... :S

They guy who had the place use to live at many place in New Zealand...its a nice place...