Far east movement @ Luxy...
I went to see Far east movement @ luxy last week...

Alot of traffic in taipei as usual...

A short visit to costco before leaving to the club district...

I went to meet a schoolmate at this bar in downtown, but he was not there when I passed by...

Not that long queues at midnight...

To this band, that is inspiried from Beastie boys, and orignates fomr USA...

Alot of people...but not as crowded as Snoop dog or LMFAO...

They played some random music until 1...

Yep...kind of precisely...

It was hot inside...but not as hot as when previous DJs performed...
They used alot of smoke etc...
And one of them were jumping around alot...

They didnt have that many hits to play...I only knew 2 when I came...

And some really young boys were there...probably Maffia kids...

I found a guy who (compare to taiwanese ppl) looked a little like me...

Could have been the same look-alike as outside Beer factory...but I didnt really see that guy so clearly...

More jumping around on the stage...

And alot of queues when leaving as usual...

@1 was the bar I went to afterwards...

I wanted an austrian beer, but they didnt have it...

So I went for a Japanese...All malt beer...

I was encouraged to go an d ask for a song...

But the asshole DJ just rejected me, and played some lame music insteaad...no sense of customer orientation...

Some table covers, sponsored by Absolute...

There after a visit to the burger bar Swensen´s wasmade...I have never been there...

No camera...I wonder why?!?!

I got soup...it was good...

And burger...still not better than Cosby´s...

And for dessert I have both Beanut butter cup chocolate and blueberry cheese cake Ice cream...