Swimming competition in Kenting
I joined a swimming competition in Kenting last Sunday...

It was cheaper, since we went there, me and 4 friends...compare to alternative transportation means...

They swapped my debit card, incase we could get a scratch or speed ticket on the trip...

They had a detailed map over the lakes in taiwan...so cool...

We got a car with GPS, they said we had a USB connection, but they means a external cable for walkman etc...

We stopped in Tainan to have lunch...

In taiwan, it is normal to have food blogs, we used some blogs to find famous places to eat...this place was one...

There we ate this...some rice dish...

This is another "famous" dish...

Here is a part of the swimming team...

...at a restaurant where they served this...some rice starch...

After drinving for some hours, my classmate alison took over...so cute and funny, she drove the car as if it was a scooter...(short distance to the vehicle in front...)

We also passed by this bar, where i have been many times...apparently very famous...

Posing at the famous restaurant, at the very central of tainan near ducth old houses and fortress...

This is what I ate...soybean pudding with milk...

Enrique was more brave and had red beans with some white ice...

Its very nice to have a GPS showing the way, but it goes slow to drive in cities, where a trafiic light waits every 100 meter...Alison didnt always follow the GPS, it was exciting to see where we will show up...

We made a stop at a family mart where I also stopped at when I cycled around taiwan...

We also stopped at a steam bun place that was famous...

They made their own buns and one kind was with cheese, it tasted very good...

Finally in Kenting we concluded that it looks the same..people walking on the small road back and forth...

We stayed at a Raggea bar, I have a malibu pineapple drink...it was ok...

I also found a Myanmar restaurant...so cool...and rare...

There were many people at the spot on the swimming day...

We lived not that far from this spot...but it was convenient to bring a car...

We got water and a swimming cap...

The sun was really strong this morning...

They never offer places to store things when there are swimming competitions, according to my experiecne in taiwan...just a few lockers, that was here from the beginning...so we put things in the car, and hide the key...

Alot of sun block...the girls used more clothes that the guys, but many other swimmers used a wet suit...and asians dont want to get tanned, in contrast to europeans, who usually do...

This was the beach from where we swam...

And this is how people swam, straight out (about 1,5 km, maybe a little shorter), and back...

A balloon was placed out on the other end...

and boats were at every 100 meter, observing people...
they even had divers under tha water...to endure safety (plus the floating equipment), maybe taiwan should implement mandatory swimming classes in school!?!...

Alot of people were at the beach ready to people swimmers up...
There were no timing, not boundary to cheat...people were aloud to turn whenever they wanted...

Afterwards there were buckets of water, for people to clean themselves...just like when i ran my 12 hour marathon...

We also got a lunch box...I was hungry, did not sleep much the night before due to high amount of caffein drinking the lunch yesterday and of 3 km swimming, however I was more thirsty, since I been swollowing alot of salty ocean water and been swiming in the ot sun for more than 1 hour...

We also got this diploma...it was a nice memory...

We lived in a 6 bed room, it was very cosy...

On the way home we stayed in Kaphiung to eat and to drop of alison...
We did not have much time to stay in kenting nor mingle around in the city...since people were catching the train on the way back...

We went to another "by a blog recommended" restaurant...

And it was pretty nice...I concluded that there is no mayonnaise in taiwanese fish dishes...

We passed by the second highest building in Taiwan on the way home...after droping alison...

It was a nice sunset but rain in the hirison on the way back...

Finally at Hsinchu, we ate at burgerking near the trainstation, i ordered a whopper with cheese without mayonnaise..."have it your way", sometimes I feel that thesauce taste wierd on the whooper here...

When returning the car I took a better picture of the map with the lakes...and the lady there also gave me my own map, in pinyin...so professional...

Alison told me that binglang girls do not only sell binglang, but also tea...

Near the car rental place they also had a binglang store, so I tried to by a tea...supporting the binglang industry...maybe the maffia...
Now its back to school...I soon have a quiz in chinese...