LMFAO in Taipei (but only Redfoo)
Yesterday I went to Taipei to see LMFAO at Luxy...

Its very warm these days...around 30 degrees....or 28 last night...
and if one goes clubbing they demand pants...

Many people bought ticketm but later on wanted to sell theirs...it was not a problem, since prepurchase was cheaper...I helped my friends Nicole to sell hers, i met her up at tpe main station for delivery...

After that I met the party crew...my taiwanese friends...with Allen and Ian in the lead...

It was a long queue at 22, when all the taiwanese people wants to enter...however I know from experience that the singer wont come before 1, and the queue will disapear around 12...so we went to eat...

We went to forkers...so professional, they had both englich and chinese menu...maybe due to that the boss is a foreigner...

I had some passion fruit belgian beer and got hawaii pasta sallad as an apetizer...

And I got European burger as main dish (meaning it had 4 different kinds of cheese)

They had alot of books at forkers...even a book from Henning Mankell...

After this we went to luxy...where it was super warm and super crowded...almost like when snoop dogg was there...

And they had some perfomers before Redfoo entered the stage...

People were everywhere...to bad for these people here, they could not see anything, cuz some people were standing on tables in front of them...

Finally he came...he sang alot of songs, but most of them were remixes that LMFAO done of other songs...

They had a big blown up zebra that was tossed around in the crowd...

And outside were alot of people, some police also, but mostly taxi drivers picking up people...

We took of to Mcdonalds...with the party crew...
Tomorrow there is a job fair at school, gotta go up 11...so no time to waste...