Late night activity in Hsinchu
Today (or tonight) a new night club opened in Hsinchu, it was the old Savage, that opened with a new name at a new location...So some ppl went there...
I was in my lab, when people down town called me and asked to join up...i rejected, but they insited at meet at 7-11...

Then i visited some other another 7-11 when heavy rain started...

I also got a new sticker...snoopy, I hope II will get a gift before it expires...

It was really raining as a typhoon...we tried to wait out the rain...

And I had to cycle home, its a 10 minute ride in normal weather...lucky me, my classmate lended me her poncho...

Its ok...I had white pants, that would go transparent in the rain...

As usual the rain is leaking...and a big puddle was on the floor...thats why i always poor out drinks on the floor...its no difference...

My friends were watching a was 5.15 and the footbalgame was going for penalties...

As last time I drank wine...when watching the game...and some beer...
Ot was a south american wine...kind of descrete was not bad...

I planned to buy food at mcdonalds, but due to the rain I skipped it...and ate chips instead...with the wine...