Swimming?!? carneval in Sunmoon lake...day 1

I was going to Sunmoon lake for a Swimming?!? carneval...

The Tais that organized the trip for us wanted us to go up early...since they dont have the "day before weekend concept" meaning that sunday and saturday mornings might be in bed a little longer...so we were suppose to leave a 9, i put my alarm on 9 and as expected, the pick up was about 1 hour late...

We had a car, that would take us near the highest road in taiwan (near the moutina i climbed last december), since the hotel was there where we should spent the night, it was kind of far from the lake but most hotels were full booked...

It was a hilly terrain...

We visited a wine museum...

U could not bring in ice...who would like to carry in ice?fire would do more harm...

People could try ancient equipment to carry things that would end up being alcohol...Tai people often call alcohol "wine" since its the same word in chinese...which is confuzing...since u ask for wine an get whisky, sherry or some liquor...

We tried some wine and brandy...

We also passed by some kind of temple where the god of wine was on a painting...

I treid to take a pic of a lake I saw near Hehuan shan...so exotic, a lake that is not sunmoon lake...I surely have to return to this place another time...

We got a hotel where breakfast and dinner was included...the altitude was over 3000meters abovee sea level...they didnt even have AC in the dorms...since they didnt need it...

We got waffles and honey and tea at our hotel room...it was nice.

We came there early...so we had some hours to kill before dinner time...
We ate lunch in Taizhong...

It was foggy outside...so we could barely see the moutains...

We started by visit some night market...

We wanted bananas...but they didnt have it...

They were selling honey and some fruit...

They showed us how they extracted honey...

They were also selling pollen...

Pablo bought a bottle of honey...
Night markets in Taiwan are often controlled by maffia...and there were a guy here who seemed to be in maffia...so I called him "Mr liu man" which means Mr maffia...he was kind of mean to some sellers...(the guy to the right on the pic)

We continued walking in the area...people were talking about a sheap show...however we missed it...since we were late...

The view was great...but the clouds made the scienery soso...

We continued passing some sculptures...

I knew from before that it was suppose to be a 7-11 in the area...and after 40 mins walking we found it...
We bought some snax and took a taxi back to the hotel...

It was as I feared an expensive taxi ride...and the driver was smoking...not good...

We had hotpot for dinner...

Then we went for some beers...

We were suppose to leave at 5 am the day after...I put my alarm on 4.50...the others on 4.30...
We spent the night watching movies...some in chinese some in english...

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