Second first day of school
Since last days classes were cancelled or missed, today is the first day of school...
Started with double meal...
One girl had an "I ♥ kids" shirt... it is interesting...using that at home will give strange associations.
I had my first class today...I was prepared to have my old Professor Tang at class filled with fun viagra and porn jokes and singaporean accent...instead the professor Wu substitue showed up...I use to think that he was inconsistent, however I cannot blame him for not trying to be a good teacher...many exchange students showed up...I think this is a typical sign of the inconsistency of the GMBA program...since first year GMBA students cannot take the course but a bunch of international students with whatever engineering background can take makes no sense...
I ate dinner in the lab...bought from mosburger...i got some new classmates who are really nice...
I also treated the new first year GMBA students with beetles nuts (binglang) and some whiskey...
People are also preparing some activities for the new students on a orientation even that we r going to have this saturday...
After dinner I went to play football with some friends...I also passed by the basketball field...but that sport is not as simple as football...