GMBA Christmas party...
The GMBA arranged a christmas party...

It was alot of food there...

Alot of people showed up...
First and second year teacher with family and Maarten...

Then there were alot of games and entertainment...

And gift exchange aswell...

And ofcourse Mr Pablos porn dvd's had to go to some one...this time Henry got them...(even though it was kind of a set up, since they arranged so that a guy would get them)...

Afterwards, many of us went to the lab...

The first year students were still doing the finance try to make it even out...

Hooters was there...he is a funny guy...

The first year tai-people took of kind of early...they wanted to go to KTV...

But we stayed...

Its always nice to hang out with classmates...
Alison promised to join to Luxy the day after...along with other girls in class.

Later on we also joined the KTV...and it was super crowded...cuz KTV is what taiwanese ppl do, then they wanna have fun...

It was Holiday KTV in Hsinchu downtown...usually I only go to KTV when they offer "all you can eat" since its boring to not be able to read the characters when the tai-people since their chinese songs...
But this KTV-event didnt use the all you can eat facilities...

Hooters took his shirt of, again...

The rest of us had some drink...
However, the people who came here some hours erlier had already started to drink and eat alot of food for some hours...I guess we contributed alot, when we later on split the bill...

In singapore KTV they offer pinyin for foreigners...but here in taiwan u better know your characters...

Alfonsoe was in the mood to do something...I wonder what...

After KTV we went to McDonalds...unfortunetely this McDonalds never sell beef after 2 we had to order chicken of fish...

So some ppl didnt was to order anything...
Alfonso took a Mcchicken.
I had Mcfish, and Chicken Mcnuggets...