GMBA alumni event
I joined a GMBA alumni event...we plyed paintball, barBQed and had fun...

It started 13, I think I came 13.30...and people kept dropping in...

People were introducing themselves...starting from the first graduate year and so on...

We went to Neiwan, it is near Hsinchu, but still in the country side...

We got som "militairy look alike" clothes...

And we also had some information session about safety rules...

After the paintball we BarBQed...

It was fun...and it is always nice to barBQ even if taiwanese meat always are slized super thin...

I also got to see my old infroantaion managemetn teachers wedding exotic...he is running for beeing the next vice presidant of Taiwan...

They also ahd a couple of parrots...

Ofccourse the GMBA program started to argue bout the expenses and changed the regulation during the night...
and the administration to collect money was not 100% water proof either...

We had alot of fun in the bus both on theway to and on the way back from the event...

The even ended around 20, so the foreingers went for a after 7-11, but it was so windy, so we ended up at Tarry´s place, he lives near the north gate...

I got alot of 7-11 stickers from Terry...
he is nice...and he also has a super big dog...that is exotic...

He also collects money in a is Ramoro, who checkes the weight of all the cash...

After this we went to PLUR...they have reopened at another location...

They had alot of entertainment as usual. but not in class with the one in Taipei...

Jacques got a strategic...

Late in the night after PLUR...we gathered at the GMBA lab to watch "El Clasico" between FC Barcelona and Real was fun...
More pics will be uploaded later