Financial Management nights...
Many people were struggeling with their FM assignment last night...

We ordered hamburgers...since I did not have time to eat before our meeting with the are 2 other groups who joined the burger meal...
Some groups are hiding in a class room in Management building I, since 1 of their group members has access to the key to that room...

My iron group was carrying out the assigment efficient as usual...

I was feeding them with M&M's, and we also shares some tequila's...

After some hours we considered ourselves done, and went to Hsinchu downtown, to thered bar...

I started of with Guiness, but stuck to pink drinks for the rest of the night...

I went back to the lab after a while...kind of hyper since I drank a rebbull shot at the bar as well...
It ended kind of late...but this is how this Financial course is treating us...
An interesting observation is the people who tried to drop the course, more or less got a guarantee from the teacher that she will let them pass...
That is kind of strange...since that can cause minimal effort from these students...and the rest of that class has to do their job :S