Dinner in Taipei (baibai Ronny-party)
Some classmate tried to arrange a farewell party for another classmate...it was very restricted...

I remembered Zhishan to be kind of boring, since i use to wait at thatMRT station for my classmate to pick me up last semester after my taipei class...
But this area seemed very nice, it had parks etc, and even a Sogo...

The restaurant beside our restaurant had nice christmas decoration...

We were 7 ppl initially...
As usual there are some bimbo tai girl who tries to sell the more expensive beer to the guests...usually I insist to have the cheapst one since it is often big difference in price...
Today the guy who invited us decided beer, and the final bill was not super low... :S

We were kind of hungry, so we ate very fast in the beginning...

More and more food came...
It was good taiwanese food...
No sweet'n sour sauce though :(

It were many strange dishes...
And also stinky tofu that was actually kind of good...

On the MRT to the main station I saw Vincent, a GMBA alumni...
He went home from work...

But he didnt get home...he joined us to a german bar, that we often go to at the taipei bus staion...

As usual they were wearing ttiroler outfit at the restarant...so exotic and sexy

On their TV they showed scandinavian TV...
It was a MC gang from stockholm on the first show...
and later on it was some icelandic competition...so interesting...

Then we ordered alot of snax...

Of different kinds...I like the cheese sticks...

And we added some ectre beer...from their pinguin bottle...
Beer withhoney flavor...it is very nice beer...so soft!