Christmas eve...
This Christmas eve I hanged out with the usual...

We started at the Chalmers office, watching donald duck and eating some food. I was kind of late...since they made changed the time to 1 hour earlier...

It is almost the same every year...but still entertaining...

We continued with gift exchange by playing some gift roulette, throwing dice...
(using a guys Iphone application)...

Since someone traded the gift I had in the end, with the gift I brough, I got my own gift...
I treid so find Aladdin chocolate,b ut didnt, so I bought some taiwanese substitute...

AFter the lunch we headed to some of the swedes appartment...

My friend robert showed his mocassins...made by his exotic...

AFter passing by the lab quickly we met at the swedes appartment...

Swedes from Taipei also showed up, and a german girl...

There were alot of christmas nice...

We drank Julmust...from Ikea...

It was like a traditiona swedish "julbord"...
and als some Beijing duck was make the table more asian...

I also bought some 7-11 beer and some japanese beer with a christmas label...

Also Glögg and gingerbread was served, as well as a ginger bread house...

We also tried different kinds of wine...

We concluded, stay with international wine...or only drink taiwanese wint, cuz the difference is huge...the Tai wine is super sweat with vinegar flavour...
Might be used as cordial...

After the christmas dinner we went to Hsinchu downtown...

They also had usual...pourng tequlia in ppls mouth...

They also gave away gifts...easy for my swedish friends who are 1-2 heads taller than the rest, they picked many of the presents that was thown out to the audience...

MY freinch friend enjoyed the dancing girls alot...

After plur we went to Tokyo, which is said to be a crappy place for people to pick up someone if they didnt get anything at the club...
However I have a classmate who are DJ there once in a it cannot b that bad...

We stayed in the smokey bar fr a while...lookngat maffia guys and foreigners...

AFter some while the DJ classmate went we left as well...

We took of to Mosburger that was nearby...
I ordered the same dish I alsways order...however...the moron cashiergave me 2 rugers and 2 fried potatos...and 1 drink...
I should pay more attention to the price in the NCTU it is 144 NTD, I know...and if they charge more o know they misunderstod...
This ended my chirstmas eve...Merry Christmas!