Scattered west coast events
The autumn has been fairly warm so far...

...and I passed by a presentation from a famour professor...but I didnt enter...

...I also listened to experts about world politics...

...I also joined a running event in gothenburg downtown...

...and had some nice lunch...

...made some indian food and mushroom dish..

...met up mr Winestone...

...found some november...

...dumpstered some advent calendar...and ate some chocolates...(some were already taken)...

...I also read about the Spain...and thoguht of the Seinfeld episode "the bubble boy" was an interesting series...
Mixed events t the west coast
I went to a friend recently for a game night...

...he has many video games...

...he picked some fun games for us to play... this classic game..I use to play as a kid...

...and some race game...

...I also took a pic of a dark map of gothenburg...

...and I disobeyed the rules

...some survelilace place...

...I also went Gothenburg to Alingsås by bike...and found that some trees fell over the path...due to recent storms)...

...later on I played "alingsåsspelet"; which is a local game...

...I also dumpstere some brocolli...

...I also made hamburger with the brocolli...using my hamburger press...
...2024 keeps concinuing...
Autumn events at the west coast 2024
...I was planting some flower bulbs...and came across some deer antler... was interesting...

...I also prepared some winter flowers...

...and tasted my 2nd batch of beer made from dumpstered bread...I think I added too much sugar...but it was still ok and slightly carbonated...

...I also bought some non alcoholic rum...

...and paid a quick visit to the rotary bar in gothenburg...they strucutured a list of their beers...interesting...

...I also tried their burger...I ahd to wait some 40-50 minutes for it I think...

...I also found an interesting note on a light pole outside chalmers university...
2024 continues...
60k step award on my step counter app
...autumn is slowly entering sweden...

...and I walked with a bike some 40km-50km... reach 60k steps...

...after some 45km-50km I reached 60k steps...(I guess I problaby done more than 100k steps before ion my 100km ultra marathon etc...but then I didnt have this step counter app)... was a cloudy day...

...I made Masala Chai Tea later get some indian wibes...

...I also planted some flowers for spring/summer 2025...lets see if they will survive the winter...

...I got some mixed bulbs... is only 5 monthes left until they might start grow...
A persian restaurant visit
I met some people at a persian restaurant recently...

...prior to this I passed by the sci-fi book store in gothenburg is fun to check things aournd there...

...I found some yoghurt drink that was persian in the persian resturant we were suppose to visit...(seems like a similar drink to turkish (or arabic (?)) ayran)...

...similar taste... was nice scewer...

...later we passed by brewers beer bar...

...and 2112...where I tried some local beer...

...I also hacked a combination lock...I started on 0000; and the code was on took some hour...
Some 1 year strike on step counter and mexican restaurant visit
I have a step counter with a fairly easy challange of taking 6k steps daily...

...and it is easy to get awards on this app...

...recently I got a 365 day strike award (I think i had the app some years)...

...later on I met some friends in gothenburg downtown...

...and I had some mexican beer...

...and mexican was good...