Early mushroom picking event
It is still september...

...cloudy and prtly sunny or rainy days passing by...

..I went to brobacka for some mushroom search recently...

...I found some..but did not spend too much time looking.

...I was more engaged in the cakes, coffee, and social activities...

...there will for sure be more mushrooms in some month..

...i also saw some maple trees...

...I might come back here to get some syrup...who knows...

...I ate some for dinner...and gave the rest away...
A visit to the cat café
I paid a visit to the cat café recently in Gothenburg...

...it is an interesting place...

...one can adopt a cat here...

...no dogs allowed...

...they have coffee etc as well...one has to buy a ticket to enter...rather expensive...

...one can check the name and origin of the cats here...

...each cat has a name tag...

...most cats were hiding on another room...but when it was time for food...they all appeared...

...it was fun..and relaxing there...

...my friend plan to adopt a black cat pretty soon...

...this cat liked me...maybe it could sense that I use to live with cats back in Taiwan for some years...

...later I headed to this coffee store...

...and had some sponge cake that the waitress recommended...
2022 continues...
A visit to Hisingen
I paid a visit to hisingen some time ago...

...trying asian food...

...and taking pics...

...some local recommendations...

...and a local zoo visit...

...and ops inspections?

...and some thick matress one can jump on...

...and maple spotting...

...more maple spotting...

...and a visit to ringön...they had some event...

...vega brewery...

...they had some art show...

...and some smoke ring machine...

...and some krims-krams-store for ship/boat items...

...some smoke ring...

...and some x-mas items..

...and some house boats...

...maybe I should build one...

...and some small boat in the big wharf...
Taiwanese documentary and Mexican exhibition
I went to see a Taiwanese documentary recently...

...some guy from taiwan spent 6 years making the movie..and visited Stockholm and Gothenburg...

...and later on they had some Q&A...

...I also saw some exhibition at the museum of world culture...

...and ended by visiting a mexican resturant...(and also passed by the bike kitchen shortly)...
Hash Trash run in Gothenburg
I joined a hash run in Gothenburg recently...

...the theme was trash...

...we had to take the tram at first...

...Min ended up checking the pinguins...

...I also saw some jupiter information...(i still keep track on jupiter and aim to see Uranus and Mercury soon)...

...it was start of the autumn...or atleast I saw many leaves...

...some hash view...

...I pimped the guest book...

...and enjoyed the dinner...

...with a lof of sauces...
An evening with KJ and White D
I went to KJ recently...

...pimping the blinds...

...and passed by some local Thai place (and also some pizzeria which had too long queue)...

...I took what the staff recommended...

...we also pased by a wine bar for some beer...
Maple tree search and more random events
I found some maple tress recently in the neighbourhood...

...might search here for syrup later one...just for fun...

...and here...perhaps...

...I also found some interesting art...

...and I had a burger at the barn with an old friend...
Some september events
I inspected how I was a part of the Geijers family recently...

My grandmotehrs mother was supposely born Geigher...

...I also got some badge in my untappd app...

...and I smoked some fish...with my indian friend...
Deers in september
I saw some deers recently...

...it is september and still rather warm in the days...
I still try to plant some hops...I hope some will survive until next year...