Random west coast events
I joined some west coast activities recently...

...passing by an italian resturant...and had some cheese...

...and a Moscow Mule...

...and a hot shot...

...and some ox pasta with extra cheese...

...I also found some ducks in the lake...I gave them dumpstered food...

...ater on I tried some Singapore noodles...

...and passed by another brewery...

...some guy is working there..but he asked me to wait for their tap room to open...

...later on I made some Mousaka - swedish style...

...and some foccacia...

...it was a sunny day..

2021 continues...
Food events in january
I troed some vegan candy from Skåne recently...

...it was based on coconut I was told..it was pretty good...

...I also had some italian pizza...

...and some chinese dumplings...

...and passed by a brewery...to try some new beers...

...I also had some small dishes...it was good...
A visit to some cave in the snow
I visited some park that has a cave recently...

It was an old area...some 100 years old preservataion...

..the area also had a cave....

...with some fresh water...

...it was near a big lake...

...I also passed by Lidköping...I have some friends who are from here...

...while in Lidköping I ate some indian food...

...later I also had a kebab pizza...

I ended with some chocolate...
A visit to Alingsås
I passed by Alingsås some time ago...

...they had a parking zone for flying carpets...

...and they had alot of semlor...

...I had a hetvägg...(adding milk to the semla)...

...it var very good...but taasted like roasted almond...cus they added that to the semla...

..they also had fun interiors at the place...

...and some small map of the area...a miniature...

...I had some fried chicken latre that day..and tried some local beer...they were good...
Random January events 2021
I went to some bar recently

...it was dark...I had a beer...

...I later on went to brewers...

...some time after I visited a Peruvian restaurant...

...And I also tried a hamburger...it was nice...
Visit to Chocolate bar and some sledge riding
I went to a Chocolate bar recently...

...In gothenburg city...

...I had some chocolate pasteries...

...and some chocolate drinks...

...later on I also had a hamburger...(small one)...

...and some sledge riding...since it is snow outside recently...

I ended up at a friends place inspecting his art...
Random island events
I was out on an island again recently

I made a snowman (small one) due to recent snow fall...

...and a bigger one...

There were some kids in the area...so I got creative and made some nail painting...

...pasting news paper on the nail polish...

...mainly text...I might add pictures in the future...

A little messy but improving...

Also some mandalorian was painted...

I also went to a Peruvian restaurant...

..they also had penty of drinks...

...and some fish in acids...

I also ended up having some beer from peru...2021 continues...
Random january events in 2021
I spent some time at an island recently...

...there are some geocaches nearby...

...I passed by a pizzeria as well...

...and had a kebab pizza...

...sunny days at the west coast...
New years eve in Gothenburg
I spent some new year eve in Gothenburg recently

Passing some arabic/turkish restaurant...

...little istanbul...but they had more than turkish dishes on the menu I think...

...plenty of meat...

...and some lihgts in the dark...

...some fireworks at midnight...

...2020 is over...

...some light in the dark...at a rave...

Voila...the first sunrise of 2021...