Dance and food
I went to some breakdance class finetune my windmill...

...I got some advice on moved to practice...

...and some channel to watch...

I also passed by a restaurant...

...had a small negroni...

...and some small dishes...(i think I can make similar myself, just have a lot of flavours on small plates)...

...the bread was good...

...salmon in line leave oil...interesting...

...and sme cheese and fermented cream (tasting like cream cheese)...

...some sea food...

...there was a cup on the table, containing alot of knives, spoons and forks...

They had wine glass from Spiegleau...seems to be a german glass...I prefer riedel (I got some from Yinqian in birthday gift long time ago)... <3

...some barbequed cod I think...

...and japanese sake...(plum; but tasted a little bit like banana)...

...and some other crispy dish...

...and some rhubarb dessert....

...finishing with a coffee...

I also saw a funny watch..shaped as a man... had a burger later a park...

...and had some fried cheese after that...

...later on I also tried some white currant juice...

...mainly containing apple juice though...the culinary year of 2021 continues...
Nettle soup a la 2021
Something I really like is Nettle soup...especially the one I make...

Autym gives mushrooms...spring gives nettles...

...some Ihave to be careful...

...put htem in water and get rid of some grass...

...and then boil...

...and mix...withbutter (and sometimes cream)...very healthy I heard...
Some days at the ocean
I spent some days at the ocean recently

...checking the chart...

...sun sets almost at 21 nowadays...(compare to 19 in september...meaning we are pretty close to midsummer)...but still far away...

...checking some routes...

...and looking for some light houses...

...later on I also passed by Fron at Lindholmen...and some drawings I made some years ago....

...I also had some shrimp hamburger...

And inspected some cool reflection at my uncles place...
Some birthday event at the west coast
A friend had a birthday recently... was a nice day...(this is a classic sunset at Mjörn)...

...the cloud was strange...

...and had some chinese food and also passed by some selfie shop with a lot of flamingos...

...since i was on a birthday dinner I also had a princess was a typical April evening (sunny and cold)...but still spring in the air...
Some furniture pickup at the west coast
I recently joined a friend to pick up a furniture...

...prior to this I tried some beer and icecream...

..with pizza...

...I also got introduced to some local icecream store...which was closed for the moment...

...wearing my aboriginal shirt <3

...Later on I had a milk shake from max by recommendation from a friend...

...and I got brownie and cream and icecream later on...

...I also passed by a super market where a girl had face
Food session in gothenburg
I went to some american style food place recently...

...they also had some beers...

...BBQ? it was Brisket...

...differnt things rather sweet and salty...

...I also got an icecream...

...later on I went to an indian restaurant...

...I tried many kinds of indian was nice...
Random Friday events
I passed by some beer place recently... see if I had something i never tried before...

...I also had lunch at a brewery...

...they used lockeds from some school, to store the draft beer barrels...

I later on had a pizza...

...and some drinks...

I also checked the coffin dance forum.. was fun...

And got some cape verde drink...interesting...
Sometimes a good memory is a gift, sometimes it's a curse.
I started a bracelet challenge today. let's see how it goes...
Easter events
Easter is here... funny...many foreingers I ask tell me they "dont celebrate eater cus they are not christian"...haha...well neither are most of the swedes...however...many holidays are culutral not religious, for instance; christmas seems to be heavily celebrated around the globe...atleast in the sense of christmas decorations - even in south east asian interesting...

easter in sweden means eggs and candies...

my mom hide some eggs containins candies in the garden...

...after a while most eggs were found...

...I later on had a coffee at a coffee shop...

...and some fika in the wind...

...with brownie and cinnamon bun...

...and went to se some arts...

...and delivered a painting...

...and inspected some chilli...including carolina reaper...

...and had some indian food...

...with some nice dessert...

...and ice cream with tiramisu...

...many colorful nights...

I also had pancakes wiht maple was nice...
A trip to the archipelago
I went to a fiord recently...

...people fishing in the ocean...

...some random boat that has been floating around...

...omg a lot of oysters...(some japanese version i think)...

...I tried some...maybe I should cook it next time...

...some bridges were pushed by the ice...

...they looked a littlebit messy... was a nice evening...

...I also passed by some super market later on...with vegemite...

...and some chilli spiciness list...but caroilina reaper was noce listed on it...
Some pre Easter events in Gothenburg
I went to some crispy fried chicken place recently

...apparently there are only 2 places like this in gothenburg...(some people say)...

...I also hd some chinese food later on...

...and some finish easter food...

...made from rye, and syrup...called memma...