I found Salep
Omg, after 15 years and intensive searching in last year...I finally found where I can buy Salep...

At a store near the small square in Alingsås...so close...time to enjoyy more...
Mushroom picking event in 2020
I went mushroom picking recently..

...and made some cinnamon and apple cake to bring...

I met my friends at a local pizzeria...and had a kebab pizza...

...at the forest I found plenty of mushrooms...

We were plenty of people...and some left earlier than ohters...

...later on I rensed my share...

...it was a nice early autumn evening...

...some day after...the mushrooms were smaller...

I also went to my friend Jaimon and had some food...it was very good...

I also tried some Amedei chocolate...pretty fruity and mild...its concidered to be one of the best in the world...

I also tried some coconut icecream...

I also inspected some hops...might pick them next time...

I also found an infographic about recycling cans...
End of a hectic weekend...
Crispy fried chicken and game night
I had some crispy fried chicken recently...

...its rather rare in sweden...compare to asia and USA...it was at NFC at nils ericsson terminal in Gothenburg...

I was also treated some burger and sundae at BK by Anders...

Later on I went to an indian restaurant...

...and ended the nght by playing Binding of Isaac with some friends...it was fun...
Random restaurant visits
I was fixing alot of clothes recently..

Sewing some pants...

I also tried some Milfey pie...

...and passed byt a Subway...
Random events at the west coast
There were some guards from the local traffic company tyring to strucutre the queing system for the ferry...it was partly confusing...

Some wanted right traffic, some wanted left traffic...

Cosy clouds in the horizon...

I also tried Blue and green label...it was nice...but its like comparing a ferrari with a fiat

I also saw some nice indian Bollywood movie...

...I also had a Pucko chocolate drink...
Some restaurant hang out
I went to a kebab pizza restaurant recently...

Sannegården near munkebäck...

...i love kebab pizza...

Later on I tried some spanish beer...

Some people were doing homework...

We ended at Burger king this night too...

Normal cheese burger...2020 continues...
Some evening events in Gothenburg
I went to some restaurants recently...

...one was at hisingen in Gothenburg...one of the largest islands...in sweden...

...I also had some bun with the coffee...

...and I also inspected some reconstruction with Anders...

...and went to a burger bar with Oliver...

...I had some local beer...and found some sweet potato in the french fries...

...later on I went to some K-pop:ish bar...

...it was pretty new...

...I had a unicorn icecream...

...Pretty colourful...

...I walked around on the evening streets with my ice cream in my hand...

I ended up with Eberth later too...trying some rare beer...

Eberth was on a diet...but had a burger in the late night....

Usually he goes for chilli...and get hickups....but tonight I think he had a normal cheese burger...
Autumn food
I had some mushrooms recently...

...mainly chantarelles from last forest visit...

I also had some soup from Sofia...

...I added cheese to the muchroom...I heard its a nice way of eating them...
I got Blue label
Ladies and gentlemen. the hunt is over

I got hold of a small bottle blue label from Jonnie Walker...

It had an exclusive feeling...and tasted stronger than green label...I sip it slowly to maximize the enjoyment...
Hops safari and mushroom picking
I went for some hops safari recently...

I wish I could identify which kind of hops it is...

I also tried some mexican food with some friends...

...and joined some locals and foreigners to the forest...

...there was alot of blue berries...

...omg...a glass bottle in the middle of nowhere...

...it was partly raining...but not that much...

...also alot of photos were taken....

...later on we bought fermented herring...

...and prepared it properly...

...with cream and potato...

...and also prepared some cray fish...

the foreingers took pictures....and i took picture of them taking picture...as usual...

...we also got some shrimps from another cray fish party...
International food in Gothenburg
I tried some international food recently

...some cream (cheese?) from Hungary...

Some pancake from vietnam...

Observation of recent crowd manipulation
I recently read about Crowd Manipulation:
Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of techniques based on the principles of crowd psychology to engage, control, or influence the desires of a crowd in order to direct its behavior toward a specific action. This practice is common to religion, politics and business and can facilitate the approval or disapproval or indifference to a person, policy, or product. The ethicality of crowd manipulation is commonly questioned.
In recent days some policital active individuals claims that the swedish television might be scrwed to the politicla left. In contrary, some twitter accounds counterpart this. It is very exciting times we live in, when social media enhances the rowd manupultion mechanisms.
Crowd manipulation also differs from crowd control, which serves a security function.
September days in 2020
I got inspiration to read about victim playing

...since i have relatives who use this as a weapon towards others...

...I also saw a strange contrail...

...and joined Oliver to a local subway...

...and there after tried a hamburger..

...joining some old classmates...

...I also joined up with Min...

...and went to a taiwanese restaurant...

...I use to have hotpot here...but mainly all you can eat buffet...

...I also visited a hungarian store...

...and saw some candies...

...this is the name of the taiwanese store...they have like 3-4 taiwanese stores in gothenburg...but it shiftes from time to time...2020 continues...
Chilling in alingsås
I was visiting Alingsås recently

...trying some indian food...

...and wathcing Rick and morty...

...I also inspected local hops producers...

...some male plant...

a female plant...

...I might come by in winder and borrow a root...

...Autumn is coming..
Feminist dinner and rose hip soup production
I went to an all you can eat recently...

...it was good...semi arabic style...

...I also got to try some white wine...

...also..its season for rosehip soup...

its the top 14 most recommended things to eat in swedish nature...if you are lost in the forrest according to some site...(swedish army book)
soure: swedish version of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_hip

...rense...and boil....

...I also delivered this wine to sofia..

...who has this view...

...and ate this food...

Venus, moon, mars, Jupiter and Saturn were visible...in the night...
More gothenburg events with my cousin
I went to meet up my cousin...who i visiting sweden for the moment...

I also passed by the Thörnströms köks food truck...

...and passed by 2 pizzerias...(bringing the pizza from the first restaurant to the second)...

It was good...chillin with my cousin Erik and some locals...

...I also met up with some coworkers tried som fried chicken...

...and found out that some local brewery has all you can eat chicken wings...

I also had a burger...at kooperativet...it was good...
August night events
I was up late some august nights

Buying food after 23....finding out that 0.5kg bags were cheaper per kg than 1 kg bags of peanuts...

Inspected my cousins house...

talking about burning man with some friends...

...and tried some wit beer...from the easten parts of gothenburg...