Penghu Ironman 2017
I took an Ironman recently

I had to transport my bike from taipei to the island via train and boat...and also a short taxi ride...

I also passed by the blue heel church again...pretty fun... was near the taizhong wetlands where the boat departed from

..I know I would be pretty i had allot to eat the day before...

...omg...after some while I got a flat tire...

..luckily i got some help...with a stong pump...but i had 3 inner tubes with me...I got actually 2 flat tires... :S made me maybe 1 hour delay...I think i for 1 or 2 hours slower than last time...but this time it was pretty hot...I burned myself heavily in the sun...

I wonder where next ironman will be...this time i had a pretty slow bike comepare to the other ironman i been taking...maybe I will do it in sweden or denmark...

...some skin damage..from white to red..

They had plenty of food at the finish...i love the pumpking soup...the day after I went back to taipei again...
Johnnie Walker green label on airports
It says on wikpedia that "Green Label 180 Cask: a limited edition of the Green Label released in 2009 for the Taiwanese market.", soo I thought...but aiports also tend to sell also says: "Green Label 48%: a 2015 limited edition of the Green Label released at a higher strength for the Taiwanese market."...finally it also says that "The brand is now globally available"...

I see it everywhere in Taiwan...but only at airports elsewhere...
A night in Bangkok, Stenrikers wedding
I went to Bangkok recently

My old friend Chatrpol picked me up

In his car...he is a funny guy

We went to some hostel area bangkok...

I did some short visits in bangkok during the night ,else i went to the central area to meet up with my friends...

I was suppose to attend a thai wedding...

And here is the family of the groom

They had staff fixing the decoration...pretty impressive...

I also met many chalmers students...

...some photo taking...

And here was Oskar the main character himself...

We had to walk in a train...the friends of the groom...

...oskars sister had a traditional dress...

...vlad was asked to carry a cake...

...we had to wait for a while....

...more cakes...

and then finally we could walk...

...more wiating,...vlads cake was pretty colourful...

The brides friends asked quetsions to oskar...

...and the paretns were sitting on some stage...

And people took pics and talked to the parents...

Oskar and vicky came up on the stage after some minutes...

More photos taken...

...and some more talking...

...and ceremonial stuff with the parents...

...Oskars father talking to oskar...

...and some traditional thai instruments...

...and Oskars sister played some epic swedish songs...her boyfriend is a professional musician...

Anfter a while we had a pause...

...with tea...

...super sweet was rather blue...

some mingeling...

...Someone put a fork in my glass...interesting...

...this was the plate vlad was carrying...very sweet and nice pasteries....

...after a while we headed back to the stage...

...some water ceremony...

oskar had some connection thread...

...and people were pouring water on their hands...

...after this we went to the roof top....

...for some local beer...

...oskar was treating some drinks as well...

...some rain was approaching in the horizon...

...i was chillin with oskars was nice... the rain reached the pool...very comfortable in the thailand summer weather...

...i had a pinacolada...

...later i went to some market for some snacks...I had a banana panncake...

there was some flooding a park where I had spotted a cache...

The evening ceremony was in the same room..but with a different setup...

There was also time for some photo shoting with the couple...

...many people posing...

...the VIP also had tabokes for eating...

Some burgers...

The swedes were mingeling hard...walking around and enjoying the thai style wedding...

...and then there was some presentation...

Vlad lives in bangkok nowadays...he was enjoying...

...some nice dessert....

Later oskar also entered the stage....and held a speach in 3 languages...

Vicky was speaking swedish...

...some funny guy was also talking...maybe a thailand business man...

...oskars paretns were also talking, very funny speech...

I went for some more thai food...

Some locals...

...and the wedding cake...

...cut with a sword...

...and some champange pyramid...

...pretty entertaining...

I also notices that oskars sisters boyfriend had 2 differnt colours on his eyes...pretty unique...

Later oskar also had some dance...

...pretty fun to watch...

After some time other people joined the dancing...

Oskar and his father...

They had a live band...

The dance went on for a long time...

...and peopel still had food...

...oskar was unloosing his bow tie...

Some more solo dancing...

...and ass grabbing...

Later we headed up to the roof top...

..."one night in bangkok"... was booked at on of the i was playing music in the lobby...epix sax guy and "one night in bangkok"...

More discussion of where to go...

After a while they opened the top bar for us...

...and there was some more mingeling...

I had thai beer..."singha"

...i know rthat oskar likes epix sax I let i play for a while...eventually he asked me to change song...

I had mobile internet here...chatrpol asked me to get an account...

2 chalmers students...who are currently expats...fredrik to the right comes from långared...pretty ipressive, i passed by his house hundreds of times when cycling to gothenburg from alingsås...

Some business sweden people...

...later we headed to oskars room...

Some street mingle...

we joined a taxi with nice speakers...

...and purple background light...

We ended up at this club...

...and met some other foreingers...

Some russian looking woman was dancing on the stage...

A blur pic at the bar...

And some group photo...

After some hours people started to fade home..

And the hunt for taxi begun...

...and farwell session started...

We finally got a tuktuk...

Back seat pic...of oskars sister...we were 5 people in the tuktuk...

I took a taxi to my hostel...the taxi driver tried to rip me of...and said that a 500baht was a 100baht...they never give up these people :S

They had many people at the temple in the night...this city never sleeps...

in the early next morning chartpol picked me eat some local food...

We found a parking lot...

this place was super time to queue... we headed to next place...

...some random breakfast place...

this was typical thai food...i was told...

...and so was this drink...

...and this soup...

...charprol kept telling jokes..

I spotted a statue of some famous person...

We were then heading to the airport MRT....

I gave chatrpol some taiwanese cookies...and headed to the airport...

The airport had this cool statue...i think it was famous...can recall i heard about it before...
heading back to taiwan, 2017 continues...
A hike session in Hsinchu
I went to hsinchu some days ago..

Many cars here...

Went with some school mates

Up in the mountains, they had some morning event..

It is nice in the mountains, these were like 1000m high i think

Omg...a hello kitty bus..

We were heading here...

We heard there had 3 entrances to the hike...and some were free entrance...

...apparently some bus also passed by here...

Some aboroginal worked here...

...they had allot of cute decoration inside...

...with some quotes...

...the atayal guy...

...and nice view...over some hsinchu mountain..

...i also found a dog with 2 different colours on his eyes...

...after a while we found the trail entrance... was a saisiyat area...

..not sure what this means...

...chop chop start the hike...

...the entrance had some broken stairs...

...i brought some burgers from family mart...

...we entered some bamboo jungle...

...and later some som road..

...steep contrete road...

more steep road...

..and some green nature

Robert was running in the grass...

To some first peak...

...and some second peak...

...they had some paper signs...the path ways...

...and some hight..1182m...

...plenty of pine trees...

And then it became steaper...

omg...some plastic bottle...

...we also met some old people...pretty close to the highest peak...

...omg some steap wall...

...after some time we reached the peak...

...1579m high...

...we had some snacks here...

Some people brought a kitchen to make tea...

...view over hsinchu...

the climbing gang...

And then we went down...

Robert took the lead...

More jungle...

...the rest of the hike was easier...wider path...

...some warning signs...

...and more pine trees...

Omg...a the forest...

after a while it was a wider road...perfect for downhill cycling...

...we were heading to some coffee store...

...and some "forest area"...

...finally reached it...

Some high mountain tea...i think...

...and the houses looks like home...almost...

...or like in the southern part of germany..

...we also got offer for a free ride back to our car..

...pretty nice...
...some traffic jam...

And we were back to the 2 coloured eyed dog after some while...

...i visited a store at the saisiyat buy osme aboriginal thing...

..i ended up buying xiaomijiu..i hope the saisiyat made it...

No one wanted to drink with i ended the whole bottle...

we also went to this fish place...

and this funny guy showd up ...most people were old NTU student...

the resturant gang.....

Plenty of taiwanese food...

Some group pic...

They people hadnt seen 20nt before...they had to take pic...

Omg...they had kavalan whiky...2017 continues...
Chillin in danshui
I went to danshui some time ago...

Trying a new burger bar that i never seen before...

I got allot of french fries...

...I later on went for some whipped milk...

...many people chillin here...i have been here a cople of times before...

...some irish drink...they said...

People were coming and going, they kept playing some nice movie music...

In the horizon I saw the spanish fortress from 1624...

Many people were hanging at the riverside at danshui...

I ended with a stay at a mal lin taipei...where i saw wheat plastic...pretty cool...
Another night at the riversyde park
I spent another night at the riverside park recently...

I had some nachos...with cheese...

I was also thinking about getting a pizza...

Omg...i also had a taiwanese beer...with chocolate flavour...

Eventually I ordered a pizza...

...ha but the guy miss calculated the time..i had to wait for another 30-40 funny...

Eventally I got it...pretty nice...
A chill night at the riverside ark
I spent some night at the riverside park recently...

It is chill here...remidns me of the east coast of taiwan allot...
A culture trip and video filming with Seediq people
I made a trip to road 14 recently..

I been supporting a local production company for some years, and they wanted to make some has been postponned some times..but now we were heading to the middle of taiwan...meeting up at costco in taipei...

The production team

We passed by taizhong too to pick up another producion guy...

And headed up to the jungle on road 14...

...pretty steep

we had to turn of the AC when heading up, to save the energy

This macho man was out guide...

he was an expert in making knifes...

The producion team were filing

It reminded me of when I was making some commercial in stockholm some years ago...

My friend Youkun was alo joiing the video..

...and we were suppose to make a knife out it this metalig and wooden peice...

...using this over...

They thhought I liked this axe since in "come from a viking country"...they probably watched thor or something..

it had many details...

...later we headed east....

I rememeber last time I was here...chaiseing seediq food...and now I got to meet the whole tribe...pretty awesome...

...some short stop at a 7-11... this place I bought tent equipment shen i drove scooter around taiwan 2013...

...the prodcution team...

Some taiwanese whicky called omar....never heard of before...

They have plenty of gadget stores in this area...its also many tourists here...since it is close to sun moon late and oher hikin trails...

The houses also looks more like in sweden..

...sceenic sights......

...some other monument..

...some filming on the road...

...its over 1000 meter here..more comfortable temperature wise...

...and some tunnels...i guess landslides are a risk here...

...more alp looking peaks and houses...

we ended up at this the end of the raod...

some kids playing baskedball...

They also had the seediq word for things here...impressive...

we chilled until sunset...

and then the production team put up a screen for people to watch a video...

and they also gave some snack to local kids...

"HeZuo elementary school"...

some youtube clips...

...and some wild seediq kid...

this kid was also very smart...

the production team instruction what would happen in the video...

rotary sponored this school...

they also had many pics of kids in traditional clothes...

like other aboriginal groups..i think seediq are pretty few...20k 2008, and 10k in 2015...not sure how they meassure...

they had some painted guy with a funny hat...

...omg a frog...pretty big...or a toad...

the seediq often talk about the rainbow and rainbow favorite coin is with a seediq person...mona rudao,

Omg..they even had a kids book about aboriginals in taiwan...

with some historical stories...

..adn their traditional dances...

...and some legends...

some more seediq lanugage..."love country"?

later we got to meet Youkuns granmother..and we had some i sometimes drink with my paiwan friends...

it was a sunny morning, this second day of recording...

...high hills...

...I was asked to drive a motorbike this day...

I can recall been driving a bike like this some years ago...

Youkun was also ready for a ride...

After some hours driving we came to some nice view spots...

We took some more pics...

...over there was the sheap farm...where i have been a couple of times...

The producion team also took some more pics...

And i took a pic of them...

Youkun took many selfies and sent live stream to her fans...

We also used a drone...

Its alwyas fun to play with a drone...

Far far up in the sky...

And a drone selfie..

The motorbike was really parked at the edge...

Later we passed by Youkuns grandmothers place...

...where we had paolyta...

..annd some other milk and redbull...

Some seediq vuvus...

...they aso gave us some dried fish...

...omg, the seiling often is made of wood here...

The production team parked the motorbike back on the more motoerbike driving today...

...and the vuvus were keep softing in the shade...

Some random guy passing by, saying hi...

...baibai vuvu...

...and of we went...west...

Passing some aboriginal park...or something...

They even had statues on the bidge...thats common here in taiwan....

...road 14...

...we also paid a new visit to 7-11...

...omg, they had a hello kitty wine... was not far to sun moon lake from here...

...on this sunday traffic...

...a fjällräven bag...

...the poles along the road also ahd aboroginal patterns...

...a typical chinese rip-off..."KLG"...

Back to the production spot from day 1....
...we made some fire in the forrest...

...later Youkun dressed in her traditional clothes...

...I was also asked to wear some stupid outfit...

Later we had to pack up again...

I gave my siliion rail business card...

...and we stayed chillin in the area for a while...

Youkun was probably communication with her fans again...

We cooked rice out from this bamboo stick...

Ready to pack the car...

...some stop near Puli where I was some month ago before climbing Zhongyangjianshan...

And a random store in Taizhong...famous for their food or something...

...else the streets in taizhong were pretty empty...atleast at this part of the city...

We also droped Youkun off in Taizhong...

Baibai Youkun, see you next time!
...we headed back to taipei...2017 continues...