Leap day weekend of 2016
Meeting up at a local bar in gothenburg...

My friends had a beer called Till...pretty interesting...

Guys joking around...

...some ppl had local pizza...one guy went for hamburger...

...the host had some beers in fridge...

The host pizza...

...and the next beer...

...and some pizza sallad...

...omg...my friend had a cream that expired about one year ago...

...he also delivered a trappis beer...

My friend also prepared some irish coffee...

We also listened to Nalan...

I also brought some spring rolls...I also added some cheese...

...After some 10 minutes in teh hot oven the frozen cream was less cold...

...the host had a merida..made in germany or in taiwan...mainly...

...next beer...

...and some x-mas beer...

...omg...so much foam...

...after another while the irish coffee was done...

...and some juice...

...another beer one the queue...

...mr Eberth had another trappist beer...

...we shared it equally...

Is it enough...

...but I got some extra height...


...I got Eberths cheese burger later on...

...Eberth has a bike that he macgyvered...

...Kedar has a lock to the compost...I wonder what valuable things are in there...
Akwards events in southern sweden
I left stockholm last evening...

it was a sunny day...around 0 degrees...

...by some reason the train was delayed...for about 2.5 hours...some accident...

...later on I headed to Eberth...

...and had some cheese from bosnia herzegovina......

...I also tried some east european beer...

I was recommended this song...a mix between white album and black album becomes grey album...
More chill in Stockholm
I chilled some more days in Stockholm...

...mingeling at some random place...

And went around the baltic sea...

...and had some local beer...

I also fried some bananas...

...and some snickers...

Early days and some late nights...

I also joined my sister to northern parts of the city...

...we went inspecting ice yachts...

It seems like they will have some competition in the sport...

...i tried to build one when i was young...I must finish it up some day...

Its more north than the west coast...thus more ice...probably its less wincy here as well...

The coast guard was also here...

...they had a hover...

The trip was ended with a Max burger bar near Visinge hills...
Chill in stockholm
I made a quick visit to stockholm recently...

...trying some local coffee...from a mocka brewer...

...omg Påskmust is already sold at the super market...probably they were selling it already for quite some time...

...omg, an orange juice maker...pretty intersting...not sure how efficient it is though...

...i think i saw an extra space between "du" and "fakturera" on this add as well...

...I also passed by a museum, concluding some places in sweden with free entrance...

...and visited an exhibition where I was suppose to wear a mask...

...it was an intersting expo about freedom of speech and about discrimination, racism and Opinion corridor...

...with some rules...

...and some intersting topics about how to offend and violate a person...who desides?...

...some interesting art...

and wallpaper with africa on it...

"how dare you"...

I met some friends later in the evening...and had a smoothie...it was an intersting meeting with interesing ppl...

...the had nice art at the place...

My friend is really good in photographing...and just bought a camera tripod of carbon...respect...
Food at spring time on the west coast
I had some hot dog some days ago...

Eating from the pot is very under estimated...not much dished andthe food keels warm longer...

...I also had some rösti...I used to eat it alot as a student...

...this was my chocolate banana dessert...

...in teh end I think i ha too much chocolate...

...it was a nice peice of candy...4 differnt kinds of chocolate...

...and some burger...vegie burger...

...and some Croque-monsieur...

...I als went on a boat made in the 1950ies...

...and concluded that spring is arriving...

...more Croque-monsieur...

I ended the session with a brownie...
Some other saturday events
I cycled artound on the west coast zome day ago...

Concluding this late winter weatherto be rather wet...atleast near the coast...

I later on went to some friend making many burgers...pretty nice...with some strong flavoured cheese...2016 continues...
Late night adventures in Gothenburg
I made very strong coffee recently...

...with espresso coffee...

I also joined some friends at a AW...

...vegetables and meat...

...but there werent enouhg seats for everyone...

...we also played mahjong...

...confusing in the beginning...

...I drank my taiwan beer...

...and after a while I managed to win a couple of games...

I also borrowed some stickers that is made for the taiwanese passports...like last time i was here...
Some mingle in Gothenburg
I saw some police cars heading to some house...

...in recent month alot of reports are done in the media about violence among asylum seekers in sweden/europe...it cant b easy to go from war to peace...

...I had so,e awesome cheese sauce with brocolli at m friends house...

And this young fellow joined me up...

Omg...The Boss is coming to gothenburg again...

...he is pretty popular in sweden...and gothenburg...

...I also read that Taiwanese ppl and swedes are leading the list of patent holders at Ericsson...

...omg...my frien has many exclusive cards at global and local traveling companies...respect...

...a local cat passing by...

We ended with a visit at the airport...
Brownie lunch session with mr duck
I went to see mr dick some time ago...

I brought some pizza...

...but the main purpose was to make some brownie...

...I brought extra cheese for the pizza...

...we just made a small brownie...

...this pizza was pretty spicy...

...voila...the brownie is done...

...we also ahd some "chiense yoghurt"...

...I also brought alot of tulips to mr ducks office...

...in different colours...ppl could take some...if they wanted...

I also saw this stickets that you are supose to put on your passport...to cover "reublic of china"...since many ppl find that confusing...when the name of the country usually is Taiwan...
A chinese gathering
I met up with a chinese yesterday...

...having a pizza´n computer lunch...

We had an espresso at first..and went for a free coffee downtown after that...

...then we had some chiene tea...the one to the left was very expensive...

...tea and some water...

...I managed to separate the flavours on my tray...

...later on we got some chinese food...

...and some nice yoghurt dessert...

We ended using an uber lift to downtown to check what more food we could find...
Birthday bash at Eberth
My friend Eberth had some birthday bash recently...

...with princess cake...

...Kedar was honoring him, with his presence...

I got the previledge to be the only person who liked to eat alot of cake...

...next slize...

...and the last one...

...I also brought some nurnberger hotdog and cheese chicken nuggets...

...Eberth were cooking them...

...it was a huge success...if u ask me...

...I also wanteed to demonstrate my espresso...

...it was also a success...as muh as Eberth new storage of boxes..making his bed lavitate...

...Kedar was checking snus...

We were also playing around with some music...enjoying this special amplifier...2016 continues...
Weekend garden work
I started to drink alot of espresso recently...its pretty good...

...also with chocolate muffins...

...and rösti...

...since I got alot of bread nowadays I shared with some birds in the nearby lake...

I also cut the apple, and plum trees now...before the spring starts...to make the trees better of for the fruit season...
Random february events
February is the "coldest month" according to some ppl...

I think january was pretty cold as well...guess the average temp makes it colder..(a frozen spider web)...

...and its now time to cut the grass along the lake sides to get an even cut...using the ice as a reference...

...its not that deep...nor was the ice that thick...

...aiyo...wet in a frozen landscape...could b pretty cold...

...many birds are still heading south...

...but atleast days are longer...sun sets around 17.00 in gothenburg area...

...a funny street number...

...I also made some banana cake and ate cinnamon buns in this winter days...

...the latest trend is no sugar...even if the bananas were pretty sweet...

...I also had alot of semlor...that I had to eat...

..."what is scarcity" eropeans might ask...so much food everywhere is wasted..I treat the deers and hares while others require fresh food on their plates...
A gaming night in february
It has been snowing some recently in sweden..

...when it snows swedes are using this tool...

...to clear the windshield...not many tropical countries are facing this situation...

I also joined some gaming night...

And we had som ekeso roll...

....the host had some quote...

...and some interesting shelf to put decoration...

...the food was nice...

...what is this for?.....for making your dog eat slower...

...we had some brownie semla...it was interesting...

...my friend wanted some wine..and I supported him in the tasting....
Randome events in february
I chilled at a friends aplce some days ago...

Some ppl were sipping amarone...

Its past fasting time...so next holiday is easter...and the candy stores are fast to adapt...

I also did some job at a tourist agency...and saw this quote...its about never giving up (in swedish)...

...another "quote"...

We also checked how the semlor is this year...

...typical swedish pastery...at this time of the year...

I also made a quick visit on a lake...

An other sunset...

And some snow came some day ago too...
Chinese New Year 2016
I was invited by a friend to a "taiwanese resturant" in Gothenburg some days ago....

It was ok...the food reminded me of taiwan, but the restaurant itself, was more "general asian style":..

Some buffet...

And mandarin on the table...

It was mixed with fried bananas and some other sea food...

I offered my friend Duck som eafrican red shoes..but they were too big he told me...

But he proudly waled around with them for some 10 minutes...

...the CNY-gang...

My friend broke her chopsticks...

...andother friend used the "2 hand grip" to eat with them...

...and when giving up...its only the hands left to eat the fried meat with...

"Bröderna brothers" were also at the party...

...as a dessert we got some fruit starch icecream...

...and some other chinese gift...

..."cool mix"...was its name...

...on the news they showed Tainan in Taiwan...a new chinese year just begun...
Geocaching: Alingsås Vinter Event 2016
I attended a geocaching event today...

It was outside Alingsås...an anual event...held in the winter...

Not that much snow this time...but many people showed up...

Peter was the host....or the "brain behind" the event...

...and some gecoaching store was there...selling some items...

...they were selling nano cache etc...

...we were suppose to BBQ...so I brought alot of sausage...

...and some grill grate...to put things on...

My friend mr MRboy was looking for trackable codes...

...Linus was also there...but a little bit late...

I bought myself a name tag...

...they also had competitions...

2 geocaching boys and a geocaching man...

After a while, the hunt for "First to find"-awards started...Im not a member of the swedish site projectGC...so I dont care so much about it...but still its fun when ppl rush to find recently released geocache...

...safety first...

After some hours the event ended...people are in the woods running around and are looking for the 30-40 geocaches that was released today...plus probably some more..while they pay a visit to Alingsås...
Semle-time and some other random events
Its past christmas...which means time to eat semlor....

I had some...they are same as every year...I ususally have them with warm milk...but not this time...

The wild animal project is also running ok...had a new area with both a hord of 15 deers and elks...plus a smal place with just a few deers and hares to operate at...

I can tell that uts heading towards ligher days...sun is setting more to the west...
Earthquake in taiwan
There was an earthquake in taiwan...

...pretty strong...
even swedish media reported it:
Listening test
Did some listening tests at the department of applied acoustics today...I did some similar some yeears ago..it was interesting...
Got a cinema ticket as a thanx..

...I also hooked up with anders...

...and later on eberth again...he was making some polish dish...

...pretty nice...

...and some beer...

I also inspected his spirit with gold inside...

In the morning the day after I went to a seiminar about business in china and india...

...interesting development about the health care....
Job relation semiar
I attended a seminar about relations among peers at an organisation today...it was intereistng. held by a researching within the field of psychology...

...before that i joined some rotaract meeting...

...and tried some beer...

...some friends were checking tinder...

...many others joined up to check the swiping...

....I also passed by eberth, to fix some bikes...

...we used some lighter fluid to fix the tire...

...I also bumped into som old friends...

...and went to another meeting in the evening...

...where a phycology professor was having a presentation about his research about job relations...
Snow again
I baked a pizza recently...

With alot of cheese and some curry...

It was also a strange rain...that created ice when touching the ground...

...I had some chincke curry at a friends place...

...he had pretty slo internet for the moment...

We saw the new "karate kid"...which is strange, since they practice kung fu...

...I also made a cheese rich steak...

...I also boiled some artichoke...

...and potatoes...

It was snowing again on the west coast...but just for a day...the temperature seems to be around 5 degrees...