An epic beer delivery
I made an evening tour last night...

It was heavy rain in the morning, but the sun showed up later on in the day...

Its very convenient to use my giant bike, especailly in the summer...i used it to visit kedar recently...

A blur pic showing "eco marathon"...Kedar participated some years ago...its a competition when you should use 1 liter of gasoline to get as far as possible...some 5000km is the record so far...

We also had some bouillon...

And i got the epic beer...

Trappist Westvleteren...

Its ranked no 1 in the world...

Kedar made a summer trip some time ago...and bought this exclusive glass...

We also tried some Barley Wine...tasted like honey IPA...
Summer days passing by
Been kind of busy recently...
I inspected a tree house some day ago...

I might build one of these myself later a tropical country...

My friends did some chocolate balls the same evening..

I participated in my sisters birthday bash...

And finally joined people who got fish...

And some more barry the forrest...

...lingon berries...and some blue berries...
Some more berry event
It is really the summer of berries...2015...

Alot of blue berries...

...and raspberries...

Its common to make some smoothie...i heard...

About 2 litres of berries i took some 30 mint i estimated...

It was also time to fix another bike wheel...with a rim thats not warped by default...
Summer events 2015 (part II)
Where am I?...

According to some news im not in some parts of china...

Blue many...I picked some night ago again...

...I also concluded that the sun sets very west right now...(later on it will set more south west)...

I was given a sports bar after a bike was very good..

MY friend passed by this classic kiosk...where one can buy hot dog etc...

Later on I passed by Cykelköket...I needed to fix some bike parts...

Many people were there....unfortnetely i think my phone broke investigating the posibilites to fix it...
Random july events
Its soon the last week of july...which means the week most people have vacation in my opinion...

...and apparently the time for raspberries...

Time for water activites...many boats are on the lake nowadays...

...and some kite surfers...

And there are alot of blueberries...

My brother is heading out for a week on a sailing boat...

I am more focused on BBQing...
Looking for a T5 or D5 Geocache
A friday evening in july..geocaching is giving away souvenirs if you find a cache with certain features... is to find a T5 or D5 cahe, between 17th of july and 2nd of means hard to reach or hard to find...and this one was high up on a tree on an island on a lake...

...this island...

I tried not to get i paddled...

My friend linus didnt win on the statoil memory competition last year...and thus didnt have any useful equipment...

So he swam...and climbed...

Later on we went for some other mystery cache in a nearby forrest...

...where i found some mushrooms...

We also joine up some climbing event...or at least observed it...
Summer events 2015
Its in the beginning of the middle of the summer...

And many sumer gatherings are currently happening...

Omg...I found Reese´s peanut butter cups in a candy store...

And no helmets allowed in here...

A red cat approached me on the seemed to luv me the most...

I also introduced some ppl some running areas at the west coast of sweden...

And we also picked some raspberries...

Omg..."dont trow snus in the urinoar" friend in taiwan told me that ppl often do that as some kind of rule...

I also had a kebab after finishing some was pretty good...

I also saw some street art...

And wild strawberries...

...and alot of blue berries...

And a deer...can u see it?...only the upper part of the head is visible...
Elder flower and bream
I hanged out with my sister some day ago...

Her family wanted to pick elder flower...

And make more cordial...

And they washed the lemons with soap... :S

And they also insited of "boiling" the sugar and lemons...nots ure why...

Later they went for fishing...

They got some breams...

The fishing team...

They used worms as a bait...

Second one...
Summer activities that an elder flower bush?

Yep...behind those other bushes...

...but before making more cordial..i went eating blue berries...

Plenty of blu berries this year...

And wild straw berries...

I planned bo bake a blue berry cake...

It ended up being muffins...

Seems interesting...

Back to the flowers...

I will only use one lemon, but some strawberries to make the cordial...

More blue berry hunt...

I also found some local beer after the blue berry muffins were done...

Blue sky...

And an paper plane...which I helped my nephew to make...
Wild strawberries
There are strawberries...(more than 80 kinds if i dont remember wrong)...

...and then there are wild sweden there are alot of them...

More to this...recently my friend Kedar and I went taking photos of motorbikes...
Summer sessions
My old classic bike broke recently...

The steering got warped...

I also went to gothenburg to deliver some stuff...and try a classic banana cake...

And had some taiwanese aboriginal wine...

Omg...and fruit for breakfast...thats rare...

My friend was buying food for some organisation called "giving people"...

I had a home made burger later on...

With inspiration form the chief at La pin francais in was good...
Diving sessions and hang outs
Its hard to find trappist beers...

Chumay is usually the easiset to find...

I went for a city tour last evening...and had an ice cream at an ice cream bar with ice cream chairs...

Pinacolada and vacuum cleaner or "dammsugare" which it is called in swedish...

It is summer...on can clearly tell due to the actitives on the sea and lakes...alo tof parties...

Sun sets around 22.15...

Some family also went for a lake tour around lunch time...

I went for diving...

And some city discovery session...

I also designed some diving activies, i might build an under water cave...
...2015 continues...
An evening bike trip
It is hot in these days...

Passing 30 some places...and over 25 over most parts of the country...

I also went for some cave exhibition....

Omg...38 degrees in the sun...

I went for giving plants water at a friends house while cycling around western sweden...

Hmm...some strange people living in this block...they scratched my bike...big dislike...

The sun sets around clouds in sight...summer has certainly arrived...
Elderflower cordial
Its pletty early in the summer...but still some flowers can be seen in june...

...Im talking about elderflowers...

...time to make some cordial...

Lemon, lime, sugar flowers and water...just wait and its gonna turn into coridal...
Evening activies in last day of june
My friend loves to discuss conspiration theories...

...and chemtrails...

...sun sets around 22 and it gets dark after 23 i think, so plenty of evening fishing...

...I also passed by to see Terminatir Genisis was about time travelling...