RAndom events at the west coast oct 2024

...I found an old road I think near the lake mjörn..a lor of stones under the grass...
...I wanted to put potatoes there...but to many stones...
...I also walked the "lights in alingsås"...
...and took in the Dahlia flowers for the summer...
...just cleaned some...
...I also made a trip to Dalsland...and ate a kebab pizza later on in Alingsås...
...and I dumpstered Reese peanut butter cups...amazing...

Orientering race in Älvängen

...I joined some Orienteering competition recently...as a volunteer assistant...
...close to a school...
...seeing some interesing flowers...
...the map...
...with the check points...
...and some computer managing the runners...
...the starting point...
...and some fence...made in Taiwan...
...the the results..
...we also had an orienteering check point cake...
...and played some games...made by a kid...
...more cakes...made of pancakes...
...they were good...
...I found out that this pin to check in on a check point cost 700-900 sek in a new state...

Flower seeds and whisky

...I spend some time looking for seeds...especial Dahlia seeds...
...inspecting local gardens...
...but mainly other flower seeds get collected...
...I also went to gothenburg botanic garden for inspection...
...some interesting flower...
...I also bought some peanut butter cookie at ica focis...but it wasnt that good...
...not did it contain that many cookies...(mostly empty space)
...I also checked some books at the local library...but it was a lot of waiting for some slow guy talking...
...I also checked out which Kavalan whicky the local systembolaget had...
...and some other rare whiskys...
...and the non alcoholic options...
...I ended up buying these ones...some non alcoholic whicky...it was interesting...
2024 continues...

Burger and flowers

I met up with Mr Winestone recently...
...we had orea chocolate milkshake...
...and some burger...
...at stockyard...
...I also picked some seeds from flowers for spring 2025...
...seeds of different kind...
...I might plant them here at my parents garden...

A day in Gothenburg

...I passed by Gothenburg recently...
...and the book fair has Sami and space theme...
...I also saw a real Astronaut...
...I also had lunch at an Argentina restaurant....
...some kind of argentinian crisp...
...and argentinian beer...
...and some local argentinian beef...
...and some other local stuff...
...and some dulce leche dessert...very nice...
...all meat is from argentina...interesting..

How to draw a horse

...I saw on TV recently...
...the hint of how how to draw a horse
...the proportions...
...it looks rather good...
...I also chagned battery at Aspen train station...

Some rosehip soup

...I dumpsteres some tulips recently...
...I hope I can see them grow next spring...
...I also picked rosehip...
...boil some...
...and mash it...
...and mix...
...and filter...
...I heard it is rich on vitamins...

Mushroom event at the west coast

...I went for a bikeride recently...
...and had a batery change between nrosesund and floda...
...many nice sunsets nowadays...
...and some mushroom picking...
...in the deep forest of risveden...
...finding many mushrooms...
...and blueberries...
...and some hiding of banans...
...and then the trying of some mushrooms...
2024 continues...

Random events at the west coast sept 2024

...I made a lot of applce juice recently...
...it was rather sour...
...but there is a lot of apples this year...
...I made some strike in 30k steps per day...trying to make 30k steps for 100 days...for an app award...
...also fixing in the garden...
...I also had a friend who got a big fish...
...and ended with a visit to a Pizzeria in Gothenburg...
...they had some new pizzas...
...I had a half blanco...it was nice...

Gothenburg brewery run 2024

...I arranged a brewery run recently...
...and passed by Vega brewery to negotiate if they could be open; since they with short notice announced that they will be closed (this was a part of the planned route)...
...but 2 fat pig brewery was the first stop...
...and then we ran around to some other breweries...
...Stigbergets brewery at Ringön...
...Spike brwery...with some beer bus...
...and poppels brewery...
...passed by some 8 breweries....
...and I finally got soemthing to eat at Majornas Brewery...
...and spontanouely passed by Grano...with Mr KJ...
...the had the same art as KE and kind of KJ...
...we tried a Tiramisu...
...it was ok...
...a lot of cream...
...and nice water...
...it was a nice moon this evening...

Beer production and fermented herring purchase

...I started to bottle some of my beer recently...
...it was ok...
...I added sugar for carbonation but found out afterwards that it was still a lot of yeast inside...
...but I stil bottles some of it...which I put in the fridge...
...the bags seemed to expand...
...I also found fermented herring in the store...I had to buy some since it is hard to find else times...

PIzza and Apple juice

...I went to meet people at a pizzeria recently...
...WD and KJ...
...and I had a rather nice pizza...added a lot of olive oil...
...I also passed by this place...
...trying a Tiramisu...it had chocolate flaour which was nice...but not that much alcohol taste...3-4/5...
...I later went for a bike ride and had a battery change here...
...picking apples...
...to make juice...

A visit to an indian restaurant

...I visited an indian restaurant recently...
...it use to be a Nepalese restaurant here before...
...I love the himalayas...and thus Nepal...but india is also included in parts of the himalayas...
...traditional cups of metal...
...it was rather expensive...the lunsh was around 250 sek...
...I ended with some Masala Chai...

A hash run at a Pizza bar

...I joined a hashrun recently...
...and passed by a place that had this menu...a new burger place in town...
...the hash run was close to liseberg...
...and this restaurant...
...they had salad buffet...
...and different thickness of the crust...
...I had a kebab pizza...it was ok...
...other said that the margerita pizza was better...
...I also tried Mr KJs pizza...KJ joined the Hash...
...Mr KE was also there...not for the hash but for a beer afterwards...and now he was entering Liseberg for some party...

Burger and summer heat

...I tried a burger press recently...
...the shape is easier to make with these burger press...
...and hot september weather...
...I also installed some insect hotel...hoping to get someone to live there during the winter...or something...


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