Last days in Frankfurt...

I lended some cash to a friend who toldme he will pay back a long time ago...
Some days ago, he told me that he would meet me up this place...
But the name i got did not exist...
I asked some people there...and they told me there we no one like him in the building...
He also deativated his facebook account, and most probably left the country, it was not much money, but still, I can conclude that im to nice to people...I should avoid some cultures...for my own sake in the future...
LAter on  I met up 2 very good friends in the club Exzess...they even had a library...
With books from all over the world...
I often hand here...its very bohemic...
Alot of people are smoking...seconday smoke for the rest of us, the vendilation is not that good here...
They have good food offers...
Its popular among students...
My friends Juan and Adrian were also there...
They also announced some demonstrations that will be held next week...
I ended the day by donationg my bike to adrian, he has been very unlucky, by getting his bikes stolen many times...I hope this bike wont meet the same destiny...2014 continues...


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