A rotaract gatering in Gothenburg

My friend Anders held a presenation in Gothenburg some day ago...
It was about his professionl, he is a jounalist, in the field of innovation...among other things...
My friend Oskar was also there...he came there by bike...
It was a very interesting presenatation...
Many people were there...and now it feels like I know alot more about what Anders is working with...
He also showed some new techical gadget or application...pretty cool...
The people wanted to go for a beer later on...
It was pretty warm, so we sat outside...
I had a beer from gotland...and tried anders ale...it was pretty nice...
Omg, my friend Rickard had a Gant jacket...
And Gant cap...he seems to be a Gant kind of a guy...


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