Wednesdays event...

I started the wednesday by going to one of my favorite All you can eat, in Banqiao...
It seems to be a successful chain store...
They have nice ice cream...
Else I went all in on sushi, nuts, mango and cheese...
...and pizza...
I had my 30 second camera with me...
...what did Johan eat today?...
I ate all their nuts...
...and some brownie...
Later on I took the bus to Hsinchu..w wet bus...
...not sure why..but the rood was leaking...
As usual the AC was on...even if the outside temperature was 12 degrees...(it seems to be a sign of luxury)...some even plugged the AC hole...
I tried some swedish Somersby...
And I also donated a red lamp to the DJ club...which I visited...
And gave a good friend of mine, a birthday gift...
He was playing music at the DJ club for a while...
Many people were there...but they have a new the shut off the electricity at 10pm...
So then no one can stay...
I was also wearing my 30 second camera...
Martin, my swedish friend was also there...
At 10, everyone gathered outside...and had nowhere to go...
The swedes wanted to go I joined up for a while...
I had a was "soso"...
At Barfly...a relatively new place...(some years old) far as I know...
I late rin the night tried Popcorn Chicken...not sure why it was called that...since i never felt any popcorn flavour...


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