Helping pablo to graduate...

Lets make things complicated...
The graduation process is not easy...
I had to fill in a evaluation form...
Its some english, but as usual nothing is 100% here in te answers are all in chinese...(I wonder why they even bathered having some headlines in english...)
I used a stochastic algoritm to fill it in...and the new secretary wondered if i was sure about the could I know...maybe next year, for international students, they could offer an evaluation form in english...
Pablo needed some papers to get signed by our advisor in order to graduate...but no one knew where to find these papers...since the girl who gave them to me, went traveling in we had to copy paste a little bit...
And rewrite some chinese characters...
Then, fortunately, our advisor was at his office...
We passed by the printing room in our building to print some copies of pablos thesis...
We talked to some other NCTU student who was copying some books...
Back to the interpret some chinese characters...and there after getting stamps from different departments...
After getting some tea...
As usual some tai ppl gave us, misinformation...but we managed to figure out where to go...
Some did not want to give us a stamp, but we insisted...
After 7-8 stamp we got the last one at the international service we only need to go back to the GMBA office...congrats pablo!


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